The Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Room

A prophecy room is a spiritual experience, where God opens up a portal to bring His people into revelation under the ministry of a prophet. It is where God meets with humanity, where humans are invited to access divine information, where angelic messengers, prophets, and all of God's special vessels are briefed on God's agenda in a timeline. Apostle Ebenezer Gabriels, is the Principal Prophet and Researcher, at the Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Rooms.


As worshippers rise, prophecy rooms' vision will continue to be clearer; prophecy rooms have been around since the times of the earlier prophets; It’s a divine portal opened up where God communicates especially with humanity for a purpose. Elijah, Elisha, Micah, Isaiah - these were all prophets who hosted prophecy rooms to give leaders the revelations to break through for the next season of their lives. 

The History of the Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Room 

I was in the Spirit and saw a lot that words could not describe. I said to the Lord, I wish I had a camera that could record the things you show me, so I could show others. The Lord said, “Create a prophecy room, and I will open a special portal and reveal myself to my people in an experience they will never forget”. This was how the Ebenezer Prophecy Rooms was birthed in 2016. Nations have been lit, industries born, and generations liberated.


What is Prophecy? 

Prophecies are messages. Prophecies are revealed information, spoken by the Lord, sent through a prophet, to be delivered to a group of people, a community, a leader, a nation, or the world, in a timeline. Prophecies are utterances of a prophet, God's agenda, instructions, directions, warnings, and solutions sent beforehand.

Prophecy Dissociation from Prophets: Distinction between a Prophet and the Message of God from the Prophet

Human minds often find it difficult to dissociate between the prophet and God's message. When the Word is good, prophets are usually idolized, when the Word is corrective in nature, prophets are usually persecuted. Feel-good prophetic words, not originating from God, false prophecies, are usually celebrated and rewarded.

Our Approach to Prophecy and Politics

As citizens running prophetic assignments, our worldview is biblical. While we do not inform others whom to vote for, we educate worshippers on Biblical grounds, and God's agenda through prophetic news, and intercede for nations. We believe God has given everyone the power of choice, including how to worship Him through voting decisions and service in government.

Our Approach to Sharing Prophetic News 

Prophetic News and insights are messages received from spiritual channels. We will share them as the Lord authorizes us to inform the world, equip us for intercessory assignments, and prepare leaders for times ahead. Prophetic words are not shaped by personal opinions of a community/people/nation and are not shaped personal opinions.  

Our Approach to Interpreting Prophetic News 

Prophetic revelations may be delivered in parables, proverbs, enigmas, or puzzles - The full interpretation of these insights may be hindered by a lack of sufficient physical information or the unfolding of events may outpace the necessary time for these revelations to mature and align with current realities.

Our Approach to Prophetic Documentation 

When you come into the prophecy rooms, virtual or in-person, we will document in audio and videos. We believe each prophetic encounter is an opportunity to document God's revelation and to capture information released for you to act upon, ministers and counselors to build upon God's Works. We also believe documentation provides accountability to all parties. When you come into the prophecy rooms, virtual or in-person, we will document in audio and videos. 

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What to Expect from a Prophecy Room 

The Presence of God, a ministering Prophet, and an inquiring soul seeking clarity to the toughest life's questions.  Prophecy rooms are characterized by tangible God's Presence (not noise or make-belief). Prophecy rooms are characterized by clear plans for a timeline and the major marker of God's Presence in a prophecy room is holiness, purity, worship, and response to prophetic inquiries. Prophecy rooms open the opportunity for people to experience the raw demonstration of the testimony of Jesus. Anytime we inquire from God in prophecy rooms, the testimony of Jesus Christ is revisited, and the spirit of prophecy comes down    



Prophecy Readiness Through Biblical Studies

The Word of God is the foundation for all prophecies.  Our prophecy room by the Word of God, to prepare your heart to encounter the voice of the Lord.  Through the Ebenezer Gabriels Prophetic Research Center, we found that prophecy readiness through the illumination of the Word of God in our hearts aids prophetic understanding, stewardship, and applications.  Executive Pastor, Abigail Ebenezer-Gabriels is the Lead Counselor at the Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Room


Our Prophecy Room Formats and Classes

Prophecy rooms are available in different formats, and for all. We host prophecy rooms for groups, institutions, leaders, families, couple, and children with parental presence


Corporate prophecy rooms are held in a group setting, and Words are released to each person in the group.


Held via a virtual conference call 


Held via a virtual conference call 


Delivered to individuals, in a one-on-one setting.


Prophecy Rooms Guidelines


A prophecy room experience can be compared to the breakthrough into a new realm of access to God's Presence. The Prophet, being a vessel used to lead the encounter into God's Presence must learn how to release the people who have come to witness the testimony of Jesus, into God's Presence, so they may worship the Lord with their newly found revelation.

Prophecy Room Access

Prophecy room sessions, delivering a prophetic word will always be accessible to all persons, races, and religions, seeking to hear the voice of the Lord and witness the testimony of Jesus. Only those 18 and up may schedule a prophecy room session. Individuals less than 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult over 21 years old.

Prophecy room access is free. Prophecy rooms, in-person and virtual are run by donations from givers.  Financial support goes a long way in supporting paid event team members, space rentals, and media teams to keep sessions open for longer hours.  You can learn about giving options here 

Zoom Prophecy  Room Schedule
Notification of available Prophecy Room appointments hosted via Zoom will be disseminated through various communication channels. If you cannot participate in a scheduled Prophecy Webinar via Zoom, please promptly cancel your Prophecy Room appointment by sending an email to Failure to attend a scheduled and confirmed Prophecy Room appointment will result in the cancellation of future reservations for the Ebenezer Gabriels  Zoom prophecy room.

Worship the Lord

The Prophet must not seek worship, and may not accept the people's worship. The prophecy room must not be turned into a daily consultation as this steals people's thirst for God's Presence and brings reliance on the Prophet, rather than God.

Light to Expel Darkness
The Prophecy room is a place where God is Present, and in God's Presence, there's light to expel all darkness. God's people must know that God will shine His light on all dark areas so darkness may depart completely. 

When you come into the prophecy rooms, virtual or in-person, we will document in audio and videos. We believe each prophetic encounter is an opportunity to document God's revelation and to capture information released for you to act upon, ministers and counselors to build upon God's Works. We also believe documentation provides accountability to all parties. When you come into the prophecy rooms, virtual or in-person, we will document in audio and videos.  If you have not recorded your session, or have lost your session, you  may order a copy of your prophecy room session here

Deliverance Planning 
Every prophecy comes with a deliverance plan; the deliverance of God is not necessarily found in the theatrics but in obedience to the simple little things, such as reading the Word of God, and obeying God's instructions 

Have a Question about the Prophecy Room?

Email us:, someone will reach out within 48 hours or less.

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