10 Prophecies that Shook the World in 2023


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

10 Prophecies that Shook the World in 2023 - Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecies

The following prophecies were prophesied in 2022 by Apostle Ebenezer Gabriels.

US dollar: It is a year when the US dollar must prepare so hard just to survive. The future of the US currency is shaky and there will be a great struggle to keep the US dollar relevant in the next decade.

Another Economy is Rising: Another economy is rising within America which is not based on what people may know or understand. This is going to be a separate economy and one that has been delivered from the tyrants of darkness and those who walk as though they are above the law.

US Housing Markets: The housing markets will meet with a correction from God’s Presence. There is a lot of revelation that is about to be released about the housing markets, and also there will be a free fall of prices.

New Defenders of Faith Rising Up: What the evangelicals have stopped doing, the Lord wants to do through the Catholics. Because the Christian church is afraid to speak the truth for fear of being hated, they prostitute themselves so that the world does not reject them. The Lord will use the unexpected, and many will be shocked. Be prepared, as the Lord will use the children of the other son of Abraham and the Catholics to preserve His Word upon the earth. This will shock the world.

A Year of Record Protests: It will be a year of backlash across nations of the world.  It is the year that many will no longer submit to their governments as there will be record protests.

The color of the Capitol will be different. The Capitol will be filled with colors. (Different backgrounds and younger people). America’s Captiol

America's Capitol will be witness to God's grace and authority on a whole new level. Younger people will be ordained into government positions. 

Because of their inexperience, these young people will require the power of the Holy Spirit to proceed and succeed. 

The Space Industry: The space industry is about to see a turnaround as new participants enter the industry. Private organizations and third-world countries will begin their space programs.

Homelessness: A year of record homelessness for many people. 

Media and Entertainment:: A lot of success stories in media will come outside of Hollywood. 

and the Worshipers will secure the covenant of dominion

These Prophecies are Archived in the NOAH Book

Prophecies are relevant for future references, as events in history cuts across timeliness and seasons.