2024 Prophecies: Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecies


By Prophecy Team

Prophecies Transcript: 2024 Prophetic Insights   

The assignment for 2024 has begun. In 2024 year, the runners will run, and those who have been immobile for so long will be set free. The Flyers will begin to fly again. No longer will you be held back. It is also a year that the brave will step outside of the boat, even as Jesus calls them to. Although it may seem like the sea is around and they might sink, focus will guide them.

Pay special attention to your thoughts in 2024. Do not let your mind roam aimlessly. Use the gates around your mind as found in Philippians 4:8. Think about things that are just, right, and of good report. This will be the gatekeeper for your activities in 2024.

The year is for those who step out of their comfort zone, the boat, to experience a true walk with Jesus. It's a year of consolidation and movement, especially in the creative space. The Lord is reshuffling the gatekeepers in the world of content creation.

2024 is a year of decrees, where imaginations and thoughts will have a voice. It will be a record year for the democratization of content creation. The brave ones who step out of the boat will rise up. The purpose of work is to fulfill God's purpose for your life.

There will be an opening up of information across the earth and heavens. When a thing is declared, people catch wind of it in the spirit. It's a year to walk higher into God's higher calling. God does not want you to stay where you are; He wants you to come up higher.

2024 is a year of intimacy with the Father. Many in the outer court will be drawn into the Holy of Holies and become brokers of revelation. They will spread the word and declare it under the sphere of authority. The purpose is for intimacy with the Father.

There will be an advanced rocket from unknown quarters. The rockets will become smaller, but their impact will be greater due to shortened reaction time. This advancement will extend into special vehicles outside of the Earth.

Date:  Nov 10, 2023 - Night With the King Prophetic Worship, by Apostle Ebenezer Gabriels

Prophetic Applications    

2024 is no ordinary year and there's a promise of liberation for those who have long remained immobile. In 2024, the runners will run, the Flyers will take flight, and the brave will step out of their comfort zones, guided by a higher purpose.

This year signifies a profound shift, releasing individuals from the shackles that have held them back. It is a call to step outside the boat, even when the sea of uncertainty surrounds it. The key lies in unwavering focus, trusting that it will guide those who dare to venture into uncharted waters.

 It's important to take on new opportunities that the Lord brings your way.

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