How Demonic Viruses Cripple into Your Dream Life: How to Start Interpreting Your Dreams


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

Stop Outsourcing the Responsibility of Your Dream Life, Let God Lead You in Your Dream life

This week, we're looking at dreams and dreams interpretations. Many people are looking for dream interpretations online, or consulting others about their dreams.

You slept and suddenly, had this dream; And you're not sure what it means; Then you pick up the phone and call your spiritual covering. Look, there's nothing wrong with having someone you look up to spiritually, but when it becomes overwhelmingly dependent on that indival that you share every dream; and when you dont share. your dream with them, they call you up to say, "What dreams are you having lately" - it is borderline demonic. 

Demonic operatives  can redraw the course of your life, using your dream life, of course shared with your permission as the compass.

And I dont care whether it's a church or not! God did not call the church to raise and breed spiritual babies who need to be spoon-feed at all times.  

Wrongly interpreted dream can trigger false prophecies into your life, with your permission.

When God is warning you about an individual; sometimes, they are the ones you are still sharing your dreams with. This can hinder you from hearing God's Word clearly, as a compromised individual may guide you into the wrong interpretation; Bias, are blockers of revelation.

Grow in dream interpretation by studying the Word of God, meditating on God's Word.  It will take a lot of practice and you can get perfect when you practice based on principles shared in the Word of God.

Here is an helpful resource for you - 

When God wants to inform you of your dream through another person, you do not need to make known the details of the dream before God speaks about it.