How Do I Re-Activate My Prophetic Calling?


By Prophecy Team

What happened to my prophetic calling? How do I activate my prophetic gifts? These are questions people have been asking us lately. It's important to begin to trace our steps back to our spiritual inheritance in Christ when everyone was born with a prophetic gift. 

We'll share some of our research findings through a series of Bible-based research findings from the Ebenezer Gabriels Prophetic Research Center.

A major problem in the prophetic landscape is that very little prophetic research has been documented, and we see more hype. The hype we all see everywhere lacks disclosure of the detailed process of prophetic, and only limits many to continue to feed from the hype, distracting from the real question, how do I activate my prophetic senses? For some, it could be there's no prophetic in the first place, it's just a "copy and paste" hype, and the works of skilled video editors, graphic designers, and sound engineers, and we're lacking results.

Many prophetic fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters today, have not got enough time to either document their prophetic journeys or distribute prophetic information released to them.   Before the digital age, many prophetic fathers who had passed on had no tools, many were undiscovered or reached only a few.  

Except for a few, like John Wesley and CS Lewis, who documented much, our generation seeks the way to God's prophetic move and has resorted to many types of theatrics. In the 2000s, the rise of the prophetic movement saw many prophets who went to consult established figures to seek the ways of prophetic powers. As a result, many lookalike prophets were born, and there were more prophetic talks and emotional appeals to the crowd than the impact of the ministry of a prophet felt. People were groomed to rely on prophets to forecast their next meals, and there were no demonstrations of God's power, as in the earlier days. God does not intend for rising prophets to mimic prophetic gifts or make up erroneous prophecies, but that everyone will discover and nurture their prophetic tendencies.

By 2016, God had opened up a new body of knowledge, and before then, you would hardly hear terms like prophetic encounters, prophecy rooms, or prophetic worship encounters. These were coming out of raw prophetic experiences from prophetic research conducted. This knowledge was in turn released step by step, and because this drew people's attention, gatherings, groups, and churches found it an appealing word to add to their events to appeal to the prophetic age. By 2021, many fellowship worship centers and solo worshippers will have caught fire, as we are in the age of Joel when all shall prophesy.

According to our research,  children are born with prophetic tendencies. Nurture can help grow your child's prophetic gift, and the wrong nurture can lead them far away from their prophetic calling. The best time to raise a prophetic kid is now. Activating your prophetic senses for children was written to nurture your child into their prophetic destiny, while they catch on purpose early in life.

Our prophecy research spans across different subjects and topics

The Prophetic System is the framework to understand the prophetic realm, opening the paths to a simplified approach to understanding the prophetic ministry, and integrating prophetic concepts into your daily living.

Activating Your Prophetic Senses is the segment of the prophetic framework where the prophetic system is nurtured from the level of the senses. One crucial segment within this profound system is "Activating Your Prophetic Senses." In this prophetic phase, individuals learn how to nurture their prophetic abilities starting from the foundational level of their senses. By honing these senses, individuals become more attuned to the spiritual realm, enabling them to perceive and interpret divine messages with greater clarity.

Prophetic Deliverance: Exploring the ministry of deliverance through the prophetic realms. This type of deliverance offers intelligence + guided prayers + the right actions to achieve a God-driven result in adequate time. This facet delves into the marriage of the union and deliverance ministries, offering a unique blend of intelligence, guided prayers, and righteous actions. This distinctive approach ensures that the deliverance process is not only effective but also aligned with God's purpose, delivering results within an optimal timeframe.

Prophetic Prayers: Explores the ministry of prayer from a prophetic standpoint. This method of prayer is more effective and impactful to avoid praying amiss. Prophetic prayers are traditional prayers prayed from the place of emotions but are led by a Holy Spirit insight, making them more potent and impactful, and making us avoid the pitfalls of praying amiss. Prophetic prayers, when documented, are an effective tool, reusable by those who seek a similar solution. For example, people afflicted by specific satanic practices will find documented prayer effective for them

The Prophetic System extends its reach into "Prophetic Counseling," unveiling a process that draws out uncommon counsel for living an advantaged life. This form of counseling taps into the prophetic realms to provide unique insights and guidance, empowering individuals to make informed decisions that lead to a life of advantage and purpose.

 Prophetic Teaching is a ministry that imparts wisdom and essential lessons for the times to come. For example, if the Lord tells us about the times ahead, He also provides an area of knowledge to explore to equip us adequately for the times ahead. Through this form of teaching, individuals gain access to prophetic insights that equip them with the knowledge and understanding needed to navigate the challenges of the future. It serves as a beacon of light, guiding individuals on a path of growth and fulfillment. Our prophetic teachings are designed such that teachers can pick up a prophetic message, and nurture people into their prophetic destinies through teachings


This is targeted towards nurturing your senses, which is a part of your prophetic system 


This is a guide to raise prophetic kids, nurture them in God's Word and Presence 


This is the fundamental framework for anyone seeking to start their prophetic journeys, not wanting to mimic the prophetic gifting of others, but wanting to develop their unique voice