Nigeria, the Flood, and the Worshipper


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

A flood is coming to Nigeria. If you are in Nigeria and you are an intercessor, begin to intercede for Nigeria and worship from home. God is about to do something. The time has come to know the Lord. You need to build an altar in your own home. In your home, find the Lord. As your fire rises up, join with your friends and neighbors. Go back to the very basics—the Word of God—that is where the fire is, not inside the polluted church. 

The gospel of the Lord is real; just don't let a liar teach it to you. 

 Deliverance is real; just don't let a sorcerer tell you about it,

 worship works; just don't let a profaner lead you into profane worship.  

Healing is real, don't allow a sick individual to deceive you