Not All Prophecies are For the Mainstream


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

Not all prophecies are for the mainstream; many prophecies are for intercession. When certain prophecies are published in the mainstream, influencers are quick to jump at prophecies and create content and sensationalism around them, making videos of what they have no revelation about and causing confusion.

Some prophecies are dangerous for the public. Prophecy is what is in the mind of God, what will happen; it also contains how to avoid or prevent those things from happening and addresses a specific.

Prophecies are secrets God gives prophets privileges to. When has that become a tool for attracting and holding people's attention? This is why you see people whose attention has been stolen by these false prophecy content curators are further confused, unable to benefit from the true knowledge and wisdom of God - because the words have been polluted

God permits prophecies to be publicly released to allow people to understand what is happening, and how to intercede, make a correction, and know what to expect in the future.