Prophetic Insights: Cleansed from the Roots


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

God is cleansing people from the transactional corruptions in their roots which has made their paths crooked, and with this cleansing comes great deliverance.

Philippians 2:4 (NKJV) - Let each of you look out not only for his own interests but also for the interests of others.

Today, God is doing the works of purification from our very roots. The foundations of many have led their life paths astray. Those raised in families where every interaction was transactional tend to adopt a transactional mindset. In such households, parents engage in reciprocal actions, creating a pattern of "if you don't do this, then I won't do that."

As children grow, they develop an expectation of receiving praise and recognition for every task. When their efforts go unnoticed at work, they may harbor resentment, affecting the entire workplace.  In worship gatherings, some struggle to genuinely serve God without the expectation of praise from the leaders. The absence of accolades may lead them to withhold their participation, holding the next service hostage in their minds, with thoughts like, "If I don't show up, God won't show up.", becoming entitled children of perdition. With these actions, many have locked their own heavens, and are tearing their own castles with their very hands.

Apart from the blood of Jesus which is the greatest and costliest transaction that transcends all timelines,  no other transaction is of worth. God is purifying individuals, removing the transactions of corruption from their roots that have skewed their paths. This cleansing process brings about significant deliverance where the blood of Jesus becomes the only price of our transaction overseeing all other transactions we engage in the flesh.


Lord, cleanse me from my roots

Lord, remove the abominable acts from my life

Lord, build in me a godly and honorable character, fit for your use

in the name of Jesus