Prophetic Insights - December 2023


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team


The month of December 2023 is the month of flourishing plants where the Lord will "upset." It's a month where the Lord is carrying plants that have struggled so hard in harsh conditions and translating them into a flourishing environment. For those who have kept faith and not lost their heart, it is a month of planting them in an environment of flourishing.

This is a month where the Lord is picking up people, one by one, and putting them where they belong. It is a "UPSERTING" season, and God is "UPSERTING.

"UPSERTING" here means updating and inserting where people belong. It is a season where the Lord is getting people from where they are to the next place.

It's important to be true to the calling that He's called you to. The Lord is updating those working on their assignments and inserting them where they should belong. Anyone who refuses to work with God in the assignment of their own life, has refused their assignment, or has brought corruption into the core of their God-given assignment will suddenly look, and they will find a place no more.

Scripture: "And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought, but they [a]did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Revelation 12:8-9

Lucifer's original place of assignment was before God's presence to offer worship with the instruments of worship made with him on the day he was born. When corruption entered him, he departed from his primary assignment of worship, rebelled, and sought worship for himself, diverting all the worship from God to himself. Then the war broke out.


It is the month when those who have no shoes will be given a shoe. Those who have no good example to emulate will be given templates; some will find support through new good and righteous leaders to emulate, leaders after the heart of the Lord; and they will be given a new shoe. For those who have no shoes to wear and no father to run to, it is a month where the Lord is showing up to plant in favorable environments, to plant, and to upsert. Some are not going to the destination they are supposed to; the Lord is doing a reshuffling.

God has released some warring angels to update each one according to their deeds and obedience.


After seeing God's work in the lives of some, it is the month where it would be said, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"


This is a month not to resist change; it's a month to embrace the change of God.

Stay focused on your calling. Contentment will take many to far places this month

Wherever you find yourself, worship God with your mind, body, and soul.

God will upgrade you and insert you where you need to be. Do not be afraid of change.

Do not wage war against God's assignments, disparage others, or make false statements; the angels of God will war against anyone or anything fighting against God's purpose in the lives of others.


Lord, my space in my assignment will not be empty, in the name of Jesus.

Lord, I receive strength and power to continue in the works you've placed in my care, in the name of Jesus.

Lord, search me and reward me diligently in the name of Jesus.