Prophetic Living Insights: Sound Direction and Service


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

The call to leadership requires clarity in direction and the heart of service. God's chosen leaders must be sound in terms of direction and must have the heart to serve. The heart to serve and sound judgments are two areas the Lord will test in many leaders. 

You are not hesitant in following through the best directions that get you to God's desired destination, but you are also given to service.

Proverbs 3:6 encourages believers to "acknowledge [God] in all [their] ways, and he will make straight [their] paths." 

In the leader's decisions today, they will need God to make their paths straight, and also remain steadfast in the call to serve - Philippians 2:3-4 admonishes, "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.


Lord, I'm praying that my leadership service will be holiness to you,  in the name of Jesus

Gift me the gift of sound wisdom for excellent judgment, in the name of Jesus