Prophetic Living: The Truth of the Word is Dependent on God


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

What is a leader without a sound mind? What is a leader whom the enemy has infested its place of reasoning?  God gives leaders an idea and a Word and The truth of the Word does not depend on the hearers. A leader must not get into the state of saying "this is what the audience will like and I need to modify the word based on what they will like".

 The truth of the Word is dependent on God, the Owner of the Word. It is not dependent on the state of the hearer. Anyone who builds an audience based on how the critics will score them high is preparing for disaster. 

Very few people are hearing the rawness and purity of God's Word today. For those who have been called to speak God's Word, it is not the day to make an idol to make the metrics look good.

For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;

Revelation 22:18

Do not structure your life based on what the critic will say. Many are critic-focused that they are so conscious of what the critic would say.


Lord, I pray today, that my delivery in all areas is based on Your Word

Lord, I pray that I will not entertain any idol, but Your Word will be the final authority in the name of Jesus.

December 18, 2023, Prophetic Living Insight