Restoration will Come for Sanusi Lamido Prophecy - March 2020


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

Sanusi Will Return to Throne: March 14, 2020 

On March 14, 2020, it was the news a monarch was dethroned. That monarch goes by the name of Sanusi Lamido, Emir of Kano who had just been dethroned.

Here's the Word of Prophecy

 On Sanusi, iIbawi oluwa Lon  n sele (This is God's correction rod upon him). This is God’s rod of correction taking place, though he wants to do the right thing but the foundation is faulty. 

 The Lord allows kings to reign and for kings to be taken off. None of these things is behind God. Be very careful not to contribute to a story you do not know. His life was the target but God has not given him the chance for the enemy to steal his life. 

This was the case of Nebuchadnezzar. Pride of heart led him to where he is. No doubt he has a lot of information and knowledge, but knowledge puffs up. It is only spiritual knowledge, knowledge from the power of God does not hold pride. 

The possessor of knowledge knows that it is. It is a major gang up from the foundation

.It was the case of Nebuchadnezzar. He is still coming back to the throne, whether as a king or as a president, but by the time he’s restored, he will have learned wisdom. He will say in his heart, now that I know that power belongs to God. Lord, we pray that he will not commit suicide. 

Though the time had not yet come for him to get to the throne, this has the hands of God. In the meantime, pray for him and rebuke every voice whispering suicide to him.

IN Jesus' Name we pray! 

End of Prophecy!

May 24, 2024 - 4 years later, God's Word is fulfilled, and Sanusi is restored as Emir of Kano.

- And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those who have understanding - Daniel 2:21

Audio Clip of this prophecy is available at the Ebenezer Gabriels Prophetic Archive 

Photo Credit: SanusiLamidoOfficial