VIDEO PROPHECY: The Future of Africa's Data and Knowledgebase and the Coming Blackout


By Ebenezer Gabriels Prophecy Team

WATCH VIDEO: Africa's Mountain of Data

Africa's dependence and reliance on foreign resources pose the greatest risk to Africa in modern times. Africa is facing a potential data loss, and the Lord is calling on African politicians to prepare and mitigate this risk.  African politicians are neglecting intelligent African minds, and running after foreign investments, and technology solutions, while African minds are avoided, overly regulated, and plundered.  This is prophetic news, a warning with action points to curb this risk. When will Africa patronize its own minds?

The Prophecy of the Africa's Data Refuse Summary

I could see a vision of mountains, smoke on this mountain and everything on that mountain was dark, burned to nothing, like unusable refuse. It was a gathering of mountains or a group/schools of mountains. The mountains were designed the same way, it was like a mast, right in the center of the mast. I looked and asked the Lord what is this and the Lord said - This is the Data Mountain. The refuse that you see on that mountain is the actual data on mountains. The Lord said to tell my people there will be a massive data-wipeout.

The corrupt mindset towards African businesses in Africa: Anything great, new, and amazing that comes from among you, you seek to kill them because of jealousy, pride, and forever servitude mentally. If Africa is not prepared, different nations in the continent of Africa will be wiped out of their data. They will say to them, there's a data wipeout when it was an accident when it was. It is coming. This is coming, except Africa wakes up

The Transcript 

I saw a mountain, and this mountain looked like a mountain of refuse. On this mountain, though there were different mountains, this specific mountain I was looking at seemed connected to others. Upon every mountain, there was a huge eruption, not volcanic, but as though the fire had just quenched. There was smoke, and everything on that mountain was black, burnt to nothingness, like an unusable refuse. It was like a garden, a school of mountains, all designed the same way.

On top of each mountain was a mast, like a communication masts. I wondered what it was, and the Lord began to speak. He said, "That mountain is the Data Mountain, and the refuge on it is the actual data of nations. Tell my people there will be a massive data wipeout, intentional, not accidental. Tell Africans that their dependence on foreign resources has blinded them to possibilities."

He continued, "Your best minds and businesses are under attack. Africa kills its children on the altar of corruption. It's a deep bewitchment, seeking to destroy anything new or great from within. If you are not prepared, the nations will suffer. It's not an accident; wake up!"

The Lord emphasized the coming data wipeout, stating it's not accidental, and urged people to wake up repeatedly.

Preventing a Future Data Wipe-Out 

African regulators must stop brokering deals and regulations siphoning life out of its businesses. They must stop competing with local businesses, and stop selling Africa to the highest bidder. Also, stop collecting or seeking foreign assistance. Cut down your spending, and build locally.  The problem of consumerism is Africa's biggest problem. African regulators need to cease facilitating deals and regulations that drain the vitality of local businesses.  

Politicians must refrain from competing with homegrown enterprises and avoid selling Africa to the highest bidder.  Seeking foreign assistance over everything is shameful, and Africa must learn to curb the spirit of consumerism, and flamboyancy, and learn to reduce spending.  A culture that montages the future of the children because of the reckless spending of the parents is demonic.